Monday, December 31, 2012

Start here - The ASPO-TV interviews

Below are two of the most sobering videos you will ever see. They are concise, 7-minute shorts made by the  Association for the Study of Peak Oil from interviews conducted just a couple years ago. In them are industry giants and analysts all acknowledging imminent global oil production shortfall (and what they see as the willful denial of that fact by the media, by Wall St., by the Beltway, etc.)

To effectively counter the argument that peak conventional oil is upon us, that person should be asked to explain how the men in these videos are all 1) incorrect, or 2) lying. In several years of challenging peak oil denialists of all sorts - from technological cornucopians, to abiotic oil theorists - there doesn't appear to be a counter-narrative beyond "fracking." And while unconventional oil production has kicked the can down the road a half decade based entirely upon easy credit, the economic model for this "new technology" remains unsustainable. One need look no further than the rate of fracking industry bankruptcies since the global price of oil began deflating in the summer of 2014.

In short, the long emergency is still upon us, and the U.S. fracking "revolution" is a short-term bubble that was never going to fix our predicament.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Peak is now ... confirmations and corroborations

Just what is supposed to represent the "unidentified projects" wedge going forward?  It's OK if you don't know; the question remains a mystery to the International Energy Agency too.

Ah well. ... enjoy:

US military warns oil output may dip causing massive shortages by 2015

The US military has warned that surplus oil production capacity could disappear within two years and there could be serious shortages by 2015 with a significant economic and political impact.
The energy crisis outlined in a Joint Operating Environment report from the US Joint Forces Command, comes as the price of petrol in Britain reaches record levels and the cost of crude is predicted to soon top $100 a barrel.
"By 2012, surplus oil production capacity could entirely disappear, and as early as 2015, the shortfall in output could reach nearly 10 million barrels per day," says the report, which has a foreword by a senior commander, General James N Mattis.
It adds: "While it is difficult to predict precisely what economic, political, and strategic effects such a shortfall might produce, it surely would reduce the prospects for growth in both the developing and developed worlds. Such an economic slowdown would exacerbate other unresolved tensions, push fragile and failing states further down the path toward collapse, and perhaps have serious economic impact on both China and India."
The US military says its views cannot be taken as US government policy but admits they are meant to provide the Joint Forces with "an intellectual foundation upon which we will construct the concept to guide out future force developments."

The chief economist of the International Energy Agency said predicted Tuesday that the "era of cheap energy is over," with oil supply unlikely to keep up with demand.

…  he predicted that demand from the major industrialized countries comprising the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has peaked.

"They are not anymore the drivers of oil demand, unlike in the past," he said.

Birol said he has "serious worries" about whether future supply can meet demand.

With investment down and production declining, even if global demand remains around 85 million barrels a day by 2030, about 45 million barrels a day worth of new oil would have to be found to compensate for falling output at existing fields, he said.

The Paris-based IEA is the energy watchdog for the major industrialized nations.

Governments Worried about Peak Oil

By Chris Nelde, Energy & Capital
Friday, April 16th, 2010

In the first part of this series, I reviewed a series of reports from March supporting the peak oil view, and warning that world oil production very well may go into terminal decline by 2015 or sooner.
The sources included the UK Industry Task Force on Peak Oil and Energy Security and officials within the British government; researchers within the College of Engineering and Petroleum at Kuwait University; researchers from Oxford University; and ConocoPhillips, the third-largest oil company in the U.S.

On March 25, the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) joined the officially worried, with a report in French newspaper Le Monde titled "Washington considers a decline of world oil production as of 2011."

... The EIA has no idea how production could increase after 2012. In the absence of these "unidentified projects," they expect global oil supply to decline by about 2% per year - from 87 million barrels per day (mbpd) in 2011 to 80 mbpd by 2015 - while demand rises to 90 mbpd.

Within five years, then, there will be a 10 mbpd gap between supply and demand—roughly a Saudi Arabia's worth of production (currently 10.8 mbpd).

Virgin Group founder: oil crunch is coming within five years

Sir Richard Branson and fellow leading businessmen will warn ministers this week that the world is running out of oil and faces an oil crunch within five years.
The founder of the Virgin group, whose rail, airline and travel companies are sensitive to energy prices, will say that the ­coming crisis could be even more serious than the credit crunch.
"The next five years will see us face another crunch – the oil crunch. This time, we do have the chance to prepare. The challenge is to use that time well," Branson will say.
"Our message to government and businesses is clear: act," he says in a foreword to a new report on the crisis. "Don't let the oil crunch catch us out in the way that the credit crunch did."
Other British executives who will support the warning include Ian Marchant, chief executive of Scottish and Southern Energygroup, and Brian Souter, chief executive of transport operator Stagecoach.
Their call for urgent government action comes amid a wider debate on the issue and follows allegations by insiders at the International Energy Agency that the organisation had deliberately underplayed the threat of so-called "peak oil" to avoid panic on the stock markets.

The world's oil reserves have been exaggerated by up to a third, according to Sir David King, the Government's former chief scientist, who has warned of shortages and price spikes within years.

The scientist and researchers from Oxford University argue that official figures are inflated because member countries of the oil cartel, OPEC, over-reported reserves in the 1980s when competing for global market share.

Their new research argues that estimates of conventional reserves should be downgraded from 1,150bn to 1,350bn barrels to between 850bn and 900bn barrels and claims that demand may outstrip supply as early as 2014. The researchers claim it is an open secret that OPEC is likely to have inflated its reserves, but that the International Energy Agency (IEA), BP, the Energy Information Administration and World Oil do not take this into account in their statistics.

by Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment

“The Status of Conventional Oil Reserves – Hype or Cause for Concern?” published in the journal Energy Policy concludes that the age of cheap oil has now ended as demand starts to outstrip supply as we head towards the middle of the decade. The report also suggests that the current oil reserve estimates should be downgraded from between 1150-1350 billion barrels to between 850-900 billion barrels, based on recent research.

Dr Oliver Inderwildi, Head of the Low Carbon Mobility centre at the Smith School, said:

“The common belief that alternative fuels such as biofuels could mitigate oil supply shortages and eventually replace fossil fuels is a pie in the sky. There is not sufficient land to cater for both food and fuel demand. Instead of relying on those silver bullet solutions, we have to make better use of the remaining resources by improving energy efficiency. Alternative such as a hydrogen economy and electric transportation are not mature and will only play a major role in the medium to long term.”

Nick Owen of the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment added:

“Significant oil supply challenges will be compounded in the near future by rising demand and strengthening environmental policy. Mitigating the oil crunch without using lower grade resources such as tar sands is the key to maintaining energy stability and a low carbon future.”

The Smith School paper also highlights that in the past, political and financial objectives have led to misreporting of oil reserves, which has led to contradictory estimates of oil reserve data available in the public domain.

Sir David King, Founding Director of the Smith School, commented:

“We have to face up to a future of oil uncertainty much like the global economic uncertainty we have faced during the past two years. This challenge will have a longer term effect on our economies unless swift action is taken by governments and business. 
We all recognise that oil is a finite resource. We need to look at other low carbon alternative."


“And, you know, interestingly enough, you're seeing the Saudis make significant investments both in their own country and outside of their country in clean energy, as well, because I think they recognize that we've got finite… we have a finite supply of oil.”

Friday, December 23, 2011

the Ron Paul question...

i see the arguments as valid, both for and against the man.

"against" because he'll sever social services almost to the bone... and he'll do so during a time they'll be more needed than ever as the EU implodes and more U.S. municipalities grow insolvent.

"for" because he'll gut the defense budget, and put a stop (or at least a cessation) to the paranoid fascist police state we're rapidly becoming.

ultimately for me, until I hear more about his energy plan, i'm undecided on him...  if Paul thinks the free market will just seamlessly solve the energy crisis on its own without government help, he's more of an idiot than i'd ever have guessed.  Or he just doesn't understand - or accept - what we face. That's a very scary position to take for the leader of the "free" world, as we witness the world's spare capacity drawing down to a drip.

I'm not naive. I get why we spend 660+ billion dollars each year on the military. The defense budget is the only part of government that keeps getting a raise, and that is because its main function (for decades) is to keep bringing the oil safely home to all Western nations. NATO's geostrategy is absolutely ALL about energy, and that's why the Pentagon budget remains so bloated during a time of profound austerity already. ... Paul doesn't agree that it should be that way. He wants to close a lot of bases. That would usher in a major change to how the world oil pie gets divied up. I do hope Paul understands that the "drill baby drill" mantra is quite hollow ... Because any way you slice it, this continent does not have the reserves, nor the production capacity to cut imports very much at all. It's basic arithmetic, and that is the plain truth to anyone looking at the EIA's own data of flow rates on these various "heavy oil alternatives."

I like a lot of what Ron Paul says... But with "them" likely holding Congress, a Paul presidency would most definitely shock the system, ...   the problem is  I'm not sure this country is healthy enough to survive the surgery, and may not come out of anesthesia. The surgery I speak of would be cutting the cord to multi-national investment banks. Because make no mistake about it: when the next Lehman happens (BofA? Deutsche?), if it comes under a Paul presidency? It's domino time.

As for the racism dart they keep trying to pin on him, not buyin' it. At least not at this point. ... He was a fool to not take his name off that publication, sure, but I don't believe the man is racist. (though I'll admit his uptight reaction in "Bruno" was priceless).

Thursday, December 8, 2011

What Peak Oil Looks Like | Energy Bulletin

What Peak Oil Looks Like | Energy Bulletin

It’s symptomatic that in the last few weeks I’ve fielded a fair number of emails insisting that the peak oil theory—of course it’s not a theory at all; it’s a hard fact that the extraction of a finite oil supply in the ground will sooner or later reach a peak and begin to decline—has been rendered obsolete by the latest flurry of enthusiastic claims about shale oil and the like. Enthusiastic claims about the latest hot new oil prospect are hardly new, and indeed they’ve been central to cornucopian rhetoric since M. King Hubbert’s time. A decade ago, it was the Caspian Sea oilfields that were being invoked as supposedly conclusive evidence that a peak in global conventional petroleum production wouldn’t arrive in our lifetimes. Compare the grand claims made for the Caspian fields back then, and the trickle of production that actually resulted from those fields, and you get a useful reality check on the equally sweeping claims now being made for the Bakken shale, but that’s not a comparison many people want to make just now.

On the other side of the energy spectrum, those who insist that we can power some equivalent of our present industrial system on sun, wind, and other diffuse renewable sources have been equally vocal, and those of us who raise reasonable doubts about that insistence can count on being castigated as “doomers.” It’s probably not accidental that this particular chorus seems to go up in volume with every ethanol refinery or solar panel manufacturer that goes broke and every study showing that the numbers put forth to back some renewable energy scheme simply don’t add up. It’s no more likely to be accidental that the rhetoric surrounding the latest fashionable fossil fuel play heats up steadily as production at the world’s supergiant fields slides remorselessly down the curve of depletion. The point of such rhetoric, as I suggested in a post a while back, isn’t to deal with the realities of our situation; it’s to pretend that those realities don’t exist, so that the party can go on and the hard choices can be postponed just a little longer.

Thus our civilization has entered what John Kenneth Galbraith called “the twilight of illusion,” the point at which the end of a historical process would be clearly visible if everybody wasn’t so busy finding reasons to look somewhere else.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fracking firm admits it causes quakes

Fracking firm admits it caused earthquakes in England
When two small earthquakes struck near Blackpool, England in April and May, suspicious eyes turned toward the hydraulic fracturing operation in the area. In a move few expected, Cuadrilla Resources, admitted that its shale fracking operations were indeed responsible.
In a press release issued today, Cuadrilla explained the findings of an investigation of the tremors
So there it is. ... In black and white. ... A fracking corporation ADMITTING their technology literally causes earthquakes. Couple that with the rash of minor quakes throughout the rust belt, Oklahoma, Arkansas, etc. the past 3-4 years.

Then notice how clever the soothing "new natural gas" commercials are that have become so prevalent lately. Good looking blonde comes marching out, speaking melodically about the "wonders" of "new, safe technology" in the "field of natural gas extraction!!" ... and dreams of "energy independence for a brighter American future" because "it just makes sense." :rolleyes:

They're so careful never to say the word "fracking", "fracturing" nor anything about the toxic chemical shake that gets injected under the bedrock of U.S. neighborhoods and often into their drinking water. That kind of "surgeon general's warning" doesn't spur investment and happiness and gumdrops and lollipops. Nevermind that a growing number of Americans can light the water from their kitchen sink's faucet on fire. As the stunned director says so simply in the documentary Gasland: "ah, that's not supposed to happen."

Increased fracturing, or "new drilling techniques," to conquer this "continent" of natural gas and shale oil here in America? It will do nothing but accelerate the environmental rotting process of this once-great nation.

Even if the United States DOUBLED it's shale oil and natural gas production, assuming private enterprise somehow came up with all the mind-boggling infrastructure and logistical costs associated with such an expansion (during a time of austerity measures, mind you)... wait, no... say TRIPLED. ... It STILL isn't gonna come close to satiating more than a tiny fraction of our 89 million barrels per day appetite. Have you seen the figures for current production, comparing conventional and unconventional oil and gas? I have. They're easy to find on "teh Googles." For total unconventional production, it ain't a big number, annually, at all.

Then imagine the legal costs for any drilling corporation that devastates a U.S. community for "ever more" of this crap.

In the end, it's simple. The dirtier it gets, the more the costs are going to rise. Whether we're talking strip mining the American frontier, or drilling deep under the U.S. sea bed. ... Those costs are going rapidly upward. Both in terms of the infrastructural/extraction/refinement/distribution side of it, AND in the environmental and legal side of it.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Chris Hedges

Chris Hedges, theologist, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of 'American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America:

"I'm an enemy of fundamentalism, period. ... The new Christian right (wing) in this country are heretics. The notion that we are called upon to amass wealth, ... I mean, that's not Biblical. It's not supported by the Bible." 

"Our decline began when we shifted from an empire of production to an empire of consumption... by the end of the Vietnam War, when the costs of the war ate away at Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society," and domestic oil production began it's steady, inexorable decline, we saw our country transformed from one that primarily produced to one that primarily consumed... 

We started borrowing to maintain a lifestyle - as well as an empire - we could no longer afford... we began to use force to feed our insatiable thirst for cheap oil... and the bill is now due... America's most dangerous enemies are not Islamic radicals, but those who sold us the perverted ideology of free market capitalism and globalization... they have dynamited the foundations of our society.

In the 17th Century these speculators would have been hung. Today, they run the government and consume billions in tax-payer subsidies. These corporate forces will never permit real reform. It would mean their extinction. The oil and gas industry will never allow us to achieve energy independence. That would devastate their profits. Real reform would wipe out tens of billions of dollars in weapons contracts."
 -  Empire of Illusion speech.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

G'day mate!

From the Australian government's senate committee report:
"The case is made that the global peaking of crude oil production has happened 2005-2008. This triggered the financial crisis in a banking sector which had a pre-condition of accumulated debt. The recession which was to be expected after peak oil has now damaged the economy, making it harder to respond to the evolving oil & energy crisis.
The root cause for the global financial crisis was and still is the untested assumption of perpetual economic growth, an almost religious belief that fueled investments to underpin such growth, the use of accumulating debt to finance it and the slowly dawning realization that such growth could not and cannot happen due to high oil prices and limited oil production."

Monday, October 17, 2011

White's Law

From Wiki: 
White's law, named after Leslie White and published in 1943, states that, other factors remaining constant, "culture evolves as the amount of energy harnessed per capita per year is increased, or as the efficiency of the instrumental means of putting the energy to work is increased".[1]