Monday, December 31, 2012

Start here - The ASPO-TV interviews

Below are two of the most sobering videos you will ever see. They are concise, 7-minute shorts made by the  Association for the Study of Peak Oil from interviews conducted just a couple years ago. In them are industry giants and analysts all acknowledging imminent global oil production shortfall (and what they see as the willful denial of that fact by the media, by Wall St., by the Beltway, etc.)

To effectively counter the argument that peak conventional oil is upon us, that person should be asked to explain how the men in these videos are all 1) incorrect, or 2) lying. In several years of challenging peak oil denialists of all sorts - from technological cornucopians, to abiotic oil theorists - there doesn't appear to be a counter-narrative beyond "fracking." And while unconventional oil production has kicked the can down the road a half decade based entirely upon easy credit, the economic model for this "new technology" remains unsustainable. One need look no further than the rate of fracking industry bankruptcies since the global price of oil began deflating in the summer of 2014.

In short, the long emergency is still upon us, and the U.S. fracking "revolution" is a short-term bubble that was never going to fix our predicament.

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